- Android
- Intermediate
About this Workshop
Ever wondered how difficult it would be to create a Twitter clone? With Firebase, it’s never been easier. The app in this workshop isn’t quite as complex as Twitter, but it does demonstrate the power of the realtime capabilities of Firebase. Join us as we create a Realtime Messaging application in just five quick videos! We’ll cover how to create a Firebase project in the Firebase Console, how to adjust Firebase read and write permissions, and how to receive realtime updates in YOUR Android applications using Firebase.
Michael Lustig
Hello, I am Michael Lustig, and I love Android. My fascination with the Operating System stems from back in the days of Gingerbread. My first Android device was the Original Droid's partner in crime, the Droid Eris. My earliest memory of that phone was finding SetCPU for Root Users. At the time, I had no idea what that meant, but I bought it anyway, determined to tinker with my device. Now I am a passionate Android developer, teacher, and mentor, with experience managing Android applications on the Play Store that have accumulated over 2,000,000 downloads.