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You have completed Hibernate Basics!
You have completed Hibernate Basics!
We now have data stored in our database - great! Eventually you will want to retrieve that data, so in this video you will use a Hibernate `Session` to get a list of all contacts stored in the database. You will do this by leveraging a Hibernate `Criteria` object.
Update for Hibernate 5.2+
As of Hibernate 5.2.0, the createCriteria
approach of fetching entities is deprecated. So, if you list hibernate-core 5.2.0 or later in build.gradle, then you'll get a message in your IDE, with the method call likely crossed out. Here is an example of what you should do in Application.java, to bring your code up to date:
private static List<Contact> fetchAllContacts() {
// Open a session
Session session = sessionFactory.openSession();
// DEPRECATED: Create Criteria
// Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(Contact.class);
// DEPRECATED: Get a list of Contact objects according to the Criteria object
// List<Contact> contacts = criteria.list();
// UPDATED: Create CriteriaBuilder
CriteriaBuilder builder = session.getCriteriaBuilder();
// UPDATED: Create CriteriaQuery
CriteriaQuery<Contact> criteria = builder.createQuery(Contact.class);
// UPDATED: Specify criteria root
// UPDATED: Execute query
List<Contact> contacts = session.createQuery(criteria).getResultList();
// Close the session
return contacts;
Java 8 Features
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