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Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) forms the presentational layer of web pages. CSS allows you to apply visual styling to HTML elements with colors, fonts, layouts, and more.
53 minWorkshop
Create a Portfolio Using HTML and CSS
Portfolios are a great way to show off your skills to a potential employer. In this workshop, weβll start with provided mockups and journey together through the construction of a stunning portfolio using HTML and CSS, sprinkling in a touch of JavaScript for interactivity. Prioritizing a mobile-first approach and keeping accessibility in mind, weβll ensure the portfolio is not only visually captivating but also user-friendly for all.
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41 minWorkshop
Navigate Unfamiliar Code with AI
Join Dustin as he showcases the actual process of constructing a task manager application when faced with an unfamiliar codebase. Using AI tools such as GitHub Copilot and ChatGPT to assist in bridging any gaps that come up along the way.
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42 minWorkshop
Pagination with GitHub Copilot
Follow along with Dustin in this fun, unscripted, live coding session where he demonstrates the strengths and weaknesses of using GitHub Copilot as a co-developer. In this video, Dustin builds a friends app that utilizes pagination with vanilla JavaScript! How much do you think GitHub Copilot was able to help?
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15 minWorkshop
Can ChatGPT Build a Website?
Leveraging the power of OpenAIβs ChatGPT is a great tool in your developer tool belt, but how accurate is ChatGPT when using it to build a website from a mockup? There are some surprising strengths as well as weaknesses. Follow along with Dustin to explore how ChatGPT fares at building a website from a mockup in this fun, AI-powered code-along.
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15 minWorkshop
Build a Basic ChatGPT Clone with Vanilla JavaScript
Learn to build a basic ChatGPT clone with vanilla JavaScript in this video. Follow along with Dustin as he walks you through the process, from writing the HTML for the UI to integrating the OpenAI API. By the end, you'll have a functional chatbot that can generate human-like responses to user inputs!
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35 minWorkshop
How to Build a Google Chrome Extension: Strong Password Generator
Ever wanted to make your own Google Chrome Extension? Follow along as Dustin builds a strong password generator and then converts it to a Google Chrome Extension! This project is built with HTML, SASS, and vanilla JavaScript so a good understanding of those concepts will help you understand this project. If you need a refresher, take a look at some of the courses in the Teacher's Notes that cover the basics.
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35 minWorkshop
Auto User Search with JavaScript - Treehouse Live
Need practice working with the Document Object Model (DOM)? This project showcases some of the core concepts needed to interact with and manipulate the DOM. Follow along as Dustin builds a searchable input field that filters users based on your search query!
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37 minWorkshop
CSS-Only Facebook Reactions UI - Treehouse Live
Most social media platforms allow users to interact with other usersβ posts. Letting users use an emoji to show how they feel about them is a fun way to add some interactivity to your project or app. Follow along as Dustin reveals how to recreate the Facebook reactions UI with just CSS!
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33 minWorkshop
Build an Interactive Settings Panel - Treehouse Live
Want to code out a real-world project with Dustin? Follow along with our Treehouse Live replay as he builds a settings panel UI from scratch with just HTML and CSS. Then, he refactors the app with JavaScript to render parts of the UI dynamically. Stick around to the end to find out how he implements a dark mode toggle for the settings panel itself with an event listener!
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38 minWorkshop
Create a Chat App UI - Treehouse Live
In this live demonstration, Dustin builds a chat app UI (user interface) using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The slick design includes a toggle button for dark mode. The GitHub link in the teacher's notes includes both the starter files and the completed code. You can follow along and build the project yourself, as well as study Dustin's version. Note that he builds only the UI, not the chat app itself.
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8 minWorkshop
JavaScript Accordion
Accordions are everywhere on the web and even in mobile apps. Theyβre an effective way to show and hide content based on user interaction. In this guide, Iβll go over how to create an accordion using HTML, CSS, and a little bit of JavaScript.
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10 minWorkshop
Animated Hamburger Menu
Want to set up a hamburger menu for your mobile navigation with a slick animation? It's not as hard as you may think. Follow along while I tackle this small UX feature!
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2 minWorkshop
Shorten Text With CSS
Ever wondered how to shorten text with an ellipsis (...)? Itβs quite easy to do and only requires a few lines of CSS. Follow along as I take you through setting this up!
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4 minWorkshop
CSS-Only Toggle
Toggle switches are a useful way to show a UIβs state. Itβs commonly believed that these are hard to create and require JavaScript. Thatβs simply not the case. Follow along as I walk you through how to create a toggle switch with just CSS!
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4 minWorkshop
Dark Mode in CSS
How often do you find yourself on a website or app looking for a toggle for dark mode? Most apps nowadays, like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, & Snapchat just to name a few, use some sort of dark mode feature. Implementing this is actually pretty quick and simple. There are many ways to go about this but the method I prefer is using CSS variables. Follow along and Iβll show you how I tackle this feature.
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6 minPractice
Practice the CSS Box Model
In this practice session, weβll be working with the CSS Box Model.
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10 minPractice
Practice Enhancing Design with CSS
In this practice session, weβll be practicing enhancing a web layout with CSS.
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8 minPractice
Practice CSS Media Queries
In this practice session, weβll be working with CSS Media Queries.
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8 minPractice
Practice CSS Length Units
In this practice session, weβll be working with CSS Length Units.
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5 minWorkshop
Process Sass with Scout-App
Learn one of the quickest and easiest ways to set up and use Sass in your front-end web development projects, with Scout-App.
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37 minWorkshop
Using CSS Variables
Learn how to use native CSS variables to make your stylesheets less repetitive, easier to maintain and more.
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5 minPractice
Practice CSS Grid: Columns, Rows and Gaps
Practice declaring row and column tracks, as well as applying gutters between them.
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6 minPractice
Practice Flexible CSS Grid Layout
Practice using CSS Grid features that adapt your content to available space and intelligently size and position items within the grid container.
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8 minPractice
Practice Grid Template Areas
Let's practice using grid template areas, a feature of CSS Grid that lets you assign named grid areas to items, and use those names to position items on the grid.
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35 minWorkshop
Debugging CSS with Chrome DevTools
In this workshop, we'll explore the most useful and efficient tool for debugging CSS: Chrome Developer Tools.
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7 minPractice
Practice CSS Box Model Basics
Practice working with the core components of the CSS box model.
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6 minPractice
Practice CSS Floats
Practice laying out a web page and wrapping text around elements, with CSS floats.
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5 minPractice
Practice Media Queries
Practice writing CSS media queries by adjusting the layout of a simple web page.
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5 minPractice
Practice CSS Selectors
Practice basic CSS selectors by targeting and styling elements of a web page.
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49 minWorkshop
Introduction to PostCSS
Learn PostCSS, a popular CSS processing tool for styling your websites and applications.
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21 minWorkshop
The CSS calc() Function
The CSS calc() function performs a calculation and returns a result. calc() allows mathematical expressions that add β+β, subtract β-β, multiply β*β, and divide values β/β. In this workshop, you'll learn three useful ways to use calc() in your projects.
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22 minWorkshop
Build a Responsive Navigation with Flexbox
Learn how to build a responsive website navigation, using CSS media queries and flexbox layout.
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14 minWorkshop
Create Tooltips with CSS
Tooltips are a great way to provide additional information to your users. This pure CSS technique that we are about to learn employs both pseudo-elements and custom data- attributes.
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16 minWorkshop
Create a Fullscreen Slider with CSS
Learn to create a full-screen, horizontal slider using pure CSS. Image carousels have been a popular design pattern for many years and there are hundreds of jQuery plugins out there to create them. This workshop will demonstrate that HTML and CSS are more than capable of handling the task.
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8 minWorkshop
Create an Accordion Menu with CSS
Learn to create a content accordion menu with CSS. Content accordions are great for when space is limited and you have a lot of content that you want to present in a cleaner fashion.
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8 minWorkshop
Create a Modal Window with CSS
Learn how to create a popular UI design pattern, the modal window, with CSS. Although usually built with JavaScript, CSS can provide fallbacks and replacements for many of the JavaScript interactions.
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12 minWorkshop
CSS Clipping Paths
In this workshop, you will learn about an advanced CSS feature called clipping paths.
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8 minWorkshop
CSS Masks
In this workshop, we're going to cover an exciting CSS design effect: Masks.
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14 minWorkshop
CSS Blend Modes
In this workshop, Guil covers how to use blend modes, an exciting CSS feature that resembles a tool you'd normally find in your favorite graphics editor.
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50 minWorkshop
Creating a CSS Marquee
In this live Workshop, Nick tinkers around with CodePen and creates a movie theater marquee in HTML and CSS. He also takes questions from our YouTube audience!
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33 minWorkshop
CSS Best Practices
Thereβs more to writing good CSS than simply knowing all the latest and greatest features and techniques. In this workshop, we'll cover best practices for making our CSS more efficient, maintainable, and scalable.
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