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- • AI
- • JavaScript
- • React
- • No Code
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JavaScript is a programming language that allows you to add interactivity to websites. It can be used to create interactive effects on web pages.
7 minPractice
Practice ExpressJS: Middleware
Practice middleware in ExpressJS by replicating user authentication and controlling access to protected routes.
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3 minPractice
Practice Web Accessibility: Checkboxes
Practice web accessibility by adding focus states to checkbox inputs with JavaScript.
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4 minPractice
Practice DOM Manipulation: Modal
Practice DOM Manipulation with JavaScript by creating a modal.
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7 minPractice
Practice Filtering Paginated Data
Practice implementing user-friendly data filtering and displaying the paginated results using JavaScript event listeners.
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4 minPractice
Practice DOM Manipulation: Checkboxes
Practice DOM Manipulation with JavaScript by conditionally disabling checkboxes.
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11 minPractice
Practice React Component Rendering
Sharpen your React skills by practicing JSX, creating and rendering components, passing down props, as well as iterating over data, and more.
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10 minPractice
Practice Data Pagination
Practice data pagination with JavaScript to enhance user experience and optimize web performance by efficiently managing and displaying large datasets.
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5 minPractice
Practice Fetch API
Practice Fetch API using the REST Countries API.
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8 minPractice
Practice Dynamic Select Menus
Practice creating intuitive and error-proof web forms using JavaScript to automatically update select menu options as users make choices.
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4 minPractice
Practice JavaScript Basics: Conditional Strings
Practice conditional strings with JavaScript.
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6 minPractice
Practice DOM Manipulation: Form Validation
Practice DOM Manipulation with JavaScript.
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15 minPractice
Practice State in React
Practice initializing and managing state in React by building a star rating component.
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11 minPractice
Practice Hooks in React
Practice React's built-in useContext and useState Hooks to update an app with user authentication.
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9 minPractice
Practice Error Handling in Express
In this practice session, you'll get to sharpen your error handling skills in Express. Handling errors well helps users understand what's going on with your app when something goes wrong.
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15 minPractice
Practice JavaScript Loops
Build up your JavaScript skills by practicing the basics of loops.
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9 minPractice
Practice Serving Static Files in Express
Practice the basics of serving static files in Express, a popular web application framework.
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10 minPractice
Practice Using Data with Pug Templates
Practice the basics of passing data to Pug views and generating HTML dynamically within an Express application.
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14 minPractice
Practice Importing and Exporting Modules in Node.js
Practice the basics of importing and exporting modules in Node.js.
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Practice Object Interaction
Get more familiar with building different classes, instantiating objects and having those objects interact with one another in a complete app.
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Practice Classes in JavaScript
Practice building and working with classes in JavaScript.
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Practice Getters and Setters in JavaScript
Practice writing and using getters and setters in JavaScript classes.
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Practice Object Basics in JavaScript
Practice working with object literals in JavaScript.
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Object-Oriented JavaScript: Challenge
Practice your object-oriented JavaScript skills by building a fun and interactive 'Four in a Row' game.
5 minPractice
Practice Vue.js Templating
Practice displaying data in a Vue.js template, as well as adding functionality to templates with Vue directives and methods.
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9 minPractice
Practice Vue.js List Rendering
Practice list rendering, writing methods, computed properties and adding functionality to forms with Vue.js
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26 minPractice
Practice Basic Arrays in JavaScript
Practice creating array literals, accessing array items, and using array methods to add and remove array items.
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8 minPractice
Practice Basic jQuery Methods
Practice enhancing small projects using a variety of jQuery methods.
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6 minPractice
Practice Working with jQuery Collections
Practice working with collections in JQuery.
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8 minPractice
Practice Handling Events in jQuery
Practice responding to user actions with jQuery.
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8 minPractice
Practice Let and Const in JavaScript
Practice working with let and const variables in JavaScript.
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8 minPractice
Practice Arrow Functions in JavaScript
Practice arrow function syntax in JavaScript.
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4 minPractice
Practice Hashing Passwords in JavaScript
When storing users' passwords, the most important thing to keep in mind is that you should always hash your passwords. Hashing is a one-way process of securing data with a strong algorithm. As of 2017, the accepted hashing algorithm is bcrypt.
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8 minPractice
Practice Selecting DOM Elements
In this workshop, you will practice selecting DOM elements with JavaScript.
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20 minPractice
Practice Object Literals in JavaScript
Practice creating, using and modifying simple object literals in JavaScript
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5 minPractice
Practice Traversing the DOM
Practice Traversing the DOM in JavaScript.
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5 minPractice
Practice Template Literals
Practice using template literals in JavaScript.
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8 minPractice
Practice Manipulating the DOM
Practice Manipulating the DOM with JavaScript.
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Practice forEach in JavaScript
Now that you've learned about JavaScript's forEach method, practice using it with this series of challenges.
8 minPractice
Practice JavaScript Math Methods
Practice using JavaScript's math methods to add, subtract, multiply, divide, as well as to convert strings to numbers.
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7 minPractice
Practice If and Else If Statements in JavaScript
Practice simple conditional statements in JavaScript.
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7 minPractice
Practice Basic JavaScript Functions
Practice creating basic JavaScript functions, adding parameters, calling functions and passing values.
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6 minPractice
Practice Basic Variables, Input & Output in JavaScript
Practice creating variables, working with input and alert dialog boxes, concatenating strings and using JavaScript string methods.
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