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PHP is a widely used, general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for Web Development and can be embedded into HTML.
5 minPractice
Practice Hashing Passwords in PHP
When storing userβs passwords, the most important thing to keep in mind is that you should always hash your passwords. Hashing is a one-way process of securing data with a strong algorithm. As of 2017, the accepted hashing algorithm is bcrypt.
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5 minPractice
Practice Including PHP with HTML
Practice using PHP to include variables, files and dates within an HTML page.
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5 minPractice
Practice PHP if/else Statements
Practice using if, else and elseif statements to control the flow of your application.
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4 minPractice
Practice PHP String Manipulation
Practice creating, manipulating and outputting string variables in PHP.
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5 minPractice
Practice PHP Number Variables
Practice creating, manipulating and outputting numeric variables including integers and floats.
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26 minWorkshop
Dependency Management with Composer
In this course we'll learn about packages, dependencies, repositories and versioning. We'll be using a PHP tool called Composer for managing all these pieces to work together with our application.
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18 minWorkshop
Basic Exception Handling with PHP
Exceptions are the object-oriented approach to handling errors. An exception is an object that is βthrownβ by your application in the event that something goes wrong. They allow you to customize how a program handles errors, and gracefully degrades an application.
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36 minWorkshop
Basic Error Handling in PHP
An undeniable fact of software development is that bugs will crop up in your code and lead to undesirable outcomes. Error handling is the process of what to do when those errors occur.
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21 minWorkshop
Introduction to PHP7
It's an exciting time to be part of PHP. The release of PHP7 is just the tip of the iceberg. In this workshop we'll cover the top features and improvements to the language as well as some things to look out for when upgrading.
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7 minWorkshop
MAC: Local PHP Dev Environment
Also check out Windows: Local Dev Environment (https://teamtreehouse.com/library/setup-your-local-development-environment). Most developers prefer to build applications locally, on their own computers, rather than on hosted servers. Working locally allows you to work more quickly because you donβt have to wait for your changes to be saved to a remote server and you donβt have to worry about issues like internet connectivity.
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6 minWorkshop
Windows: Local PHP Dev Environment
Visit our MAC: Local Dev Environment (http://teamtreehouse.com/library/mac-local-php-dev-environment). Most developers prefer to build applications locally, on their own computers, rather than on hosted servers. Working locally allows you to work more quickly because you donβt have to wait for your changes to be saved to a remote server and you donβt have to worry about issues like internet connectivity.
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