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- • AI
- • JavaScript
- • React
- • No Code
- • Python
- • Design
- • HTML
- • CSS
- • Game Development
- • Data Analysis
- • Development Tools
- • Databases
- • Security
- • Digital Literacy
- • Swift
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- • Machine Learning
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- • Ruby
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- • College Credit
- • Coding for Kids
College Credit
College credit courses are offered through our partnership with University Pathways International (UPI). All courses have been reviewed and approved by the American Council on Education (ACE), enabling students to earn 3 college credits per course, which are accepted by over 1,500 colleges and universities.
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(UPI) Chapter 1: Introduction to Programming
This course is part of our College Credit Program, designed to help you earn college credit while mastering valuable skills. If you're interested in pursuing college credit, click here to learn more. (https://join.teamtreehouse.com/college-credit/) This chapter introduces the fundamentals of programming, including the software development process, tools, and methods used to develop and test programs. Key topics include: Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) Version Control Input and Output Hello World Program: Presented in both pseudocode and flowchart format. Programming Language Introduction: Python is introduced with example code.
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(UPI) Chapter 1: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Basics
This course is part of our College Credit Program, designed to help you earn college credit while mastering valuable skills. If you're interested in pursuing college credit, click here to learn more. (https://join.teamtreehouse.com/college-credit/) In this chapter, you will learn the essential building blocks of web development, starting with HTML for structuring content, CSS for styling, and JavaScript for adding interactivity to web pages.
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(UPI) Chapter 1: Foundations of HTML and Web Development
This course is part of our College Credit Program, designed to help you earn college credit while mastering valuable skills. If you're interested in pursuing college credit, click here to learn more. (https://join.teamtreehouse.com/college-credit/) This guide provides a comprehensive introduction to HTML and CSS, the core technologies for creating and styling web pages. It covers HTML's role in structuring content, CSS's function in enhancing visual design, and their integration to build dynamic, accessible, and responsive websites. With practical examples and insights into standards and best practices, readers will gain the foundational knowledge and skills needed for modern web development.
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(UPI) Chapter 17: Key Concepts in Data Analysis: Indexing, Slicing, Missing Data, and Visualization
This course is part of our College Credit Program, designed to help you earn college credit while mastering valuable skills. If you're interested in pursuing college credit, click here to learn more. (https://join.teamtreehouse.com/college-credit/) Data Science provides the ability to derive insights and make informed decisions from data. It plays a crucial role in various disciplines, including: Healthcare Business Education Politics Environmental Science Social Sciences This chapter aims to provide an introduction to the field of data science and the data science life cycle. The resources provided in this chapter are meant to guide readers using Python to further explore data science.
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(UPI) Chapter 16: Working with Files in Python
This course is part of our College Credit Program, designed to help you earn college credit while mastering valuable skills. If you're interested in pursuing college credit, click here to learn more. (https://join.teamtreehouse.com/college-credit/) This course focuses on file handling in Python, detailing how to read from, write to, and manipulate files effectively while managing exceptions to handle errors gracefully. It also introduces working with file paths, CSV files, and advanced file operations to streamline data processing tasks.
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(UPI) Chapter 15: Understanding and Implementing Inheritance in Python: Concepts and Practices
This course is part of our College Credit Program, designed to help you earn college credit while mastering valuable skills. If you're interested in pursuing college credit, click here to learn more. (https://join.teamtreehouse.com/college-credit/) Real-world entities are often described in relation to other entities. For example, a finch is a type of bird. Similarly, classes, which represent types of real-world entities, can be related to each other. Inheritance describes the relationship in which one class is a type of another class. Classes within inheritance relationships can inherit attributes and methods from other classes without needing to redefine everything. Thus, inheritance in object-oriented programming reduces redundancy and promotes modularity.
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(UPI) Chapter 14: Exploring Recursion
This course is part of our College Credit Program, designed to help you earn college credit while mastering valuable skills. If you're interested in pursuing college credit, click here to learn more. (https://join.teamtreehouse.com/college-credit/) This course explores recursion in Python, showcasing its power to solve complex problems by breaking them down into smaller, manageable sub-problems. It covers key concepts such as base and recursive cases, and demonstrates applications in solving factorials, Fibonacci sequences, and the Three Towers problem.
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(UPI) Chapter 13: Understanding Key Concepts in Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) and Their Implementation
This course is part of our College Credit Program, designed to help you earn college credit while mastering valuable skills. If you're interested in pursuing college credit, click here to learn more. (https://join.teamtreehouse.com/college-credit/) A programmer can model real-world entities as objects for better program design and organization. A class defines a type of object with attributes and methods. Many instances of a class type can be created to represent multiple objects in a program. Classes promote reusability and add benefits like data abstraction and encapsulation, which help organize code for better usability and extensibility.
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(UPI) Chapter 12: Mastering Python Dictionaries
This course is part of our College Credit Program, designed to help you earn college credit while mastering valuable skills. If you're interested in pursuing college credit, click here to learn more. (https://join.teamtreehouse.com/college-credit/) This course focuses on Python dictionaries, exploring their use as key-value pair data structures for efficient data storage, access, and modification. It covers advanced topics like looping through dictionaries, using conditionals, creating nested dictionaries, and applying dictionary comprehensions for concise and effective coding.
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(UPI) Chapter 11: Mastering List Operations, Iteration, and Comprehensions
This course is part of our College Credit Program, designed to help you earn college credit while mastering valuable skills. If you're interested in pursuing college credit, click here to learn more. (https://join.teamtreehouse.com/college-credit/) Programmers often work on collections of data. Lists are a useful way of collecting data elements. Python lists are extremely flexible, and, unlike strings, a list's contents can be changed. Introduction to Lists The Objects chapter introduced lists. This chapter explores operations that can be performed on lists.
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(UPI) Chapter 10: Mastering Python Modules
This course is part of our College Credit Program, designed to help you earn college credit while mastering valuable skills. If you're interested in pursuing college credit, click here to learn more. (https://join.teamtreehouse.com/college-credit/) This course delves into Python modules, showcasing how they organize code for better reusability and scalability, with built-in modules like math and third-party options from PyPI. It also explains techniques to prevent side effects, resolve name collisions, and use the help() function for module documentation.
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(UPI) Chapter 9: Introduction to Python Data Structures: Lists, Tuples, and Dictionaries
This course is part of our College Credit Program, designed to help you earn college credit while mastering valuable skills. If you're interested in pursuing college credit, click here to learn more. (https://join.teamtreehouse.com/college-credit/) An object is a single unit of data in a Python program. So far, this course has introduced three types of objects: strings, integers, and floats. This chapter introduces three types of containers: lists, tuples and dictionaries. A container is an object that can hold an arbitrary number of other objects. By the end of this chapter, you will be equipped to solve more complex problems using fewer variables.
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(UPI) Chapter 8: Functions and Control Flow in Python
This course is part of our College Credit Program, designed to help you earn college credit while mastering valuable skills. If you're interested in pursuing college credit, click here to learn more. (https://join.teamtreehouse.com/college-credit/) This course focuses on Python functions and control flow, explaining how functions promote modularity, reusability, and clarity in programming. It also explores variable scope, arguments, return values, and the interplay between functions to build efficient and maintainable code.
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(UPI) Chapter 7: Comprehensive Guide to Python Loops and Control Statements
This course is part of our College Credit Program, designed to help you earn college credit while mastering valuable skills. If you're interested in pursuing college credit, click here to learn more. (https://join.teamtreehouse.com/college-credit/) Loops in Programming A loop is a code block that runs a set of statements while a given condition is true. Loops are often used for performing repetitive tasks. For example: The software on a phone repeatedly checks to see if the phone is idle. Once the time set by a user is reached, the phone is locked. Loops can also be used for iterating over lists, such as student names in a roster, and printing the names one at a time. In this chapter, two types of loops are introduced: For Loop While Loop This chapter also introduces the break and continue statements, which are used to control a loop's execution.
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(UPI) Chapter 6: Decision-Making in Python
This course is part of our College Credit Program, designed to help you earn college credit while mastering valuable skills. If you're interested in pursuing college credit, click here to learn more. (https://join.teamtreehouse.com/college-credit/) This course explores decision-making in Python through control structures like sequence, selection, and iteration, emphasizing their role in structured programming. It covers if-else statements, nested decisions, and conditional expressions, highlighting the importance of clarity and efficiency in program flow.
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(UPI) Chapter 5: Assignment, Arithmetic, Relational, and Logical Operations
This course is part of our College Credit Program, designed to help you earn college credit while mastering valuable skills. If you're interested in pursuing college credit, click here to learn more. (https://join.teamtreehouse.com/college-credit/) This chapter delves into the fundamental concepts of operators and expressions in programming, focusing on the various types of operations that can be performed on data. It covers assignment operators, which allow for the storing and updating of values in variables, arithmetic operators that perform basic mathematical calculations, and relational operators that compare values to produce Boolean results. The chapter also explores the distinctions between assignment and equality in programming, logical operators that connect expressions to control program flow, and special operations like integer division, modulus, and unary operations. Each of these operators plays a crucial role in the logic and functionality of programming, enabling the manipulation and evaluation of data to produce desired outcomes.
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(UPI) Chapter 4: Understanding Python Errors, Comments, and Code Quality
This course is part of our College Credit Program, designed to help you earn college credit while mastering valuable skills. If you're interested in pursuing college credit, click here to learn more. (https://join.teamtreehouse.com/college-credit/) This course explores common Python errors, teaching how to interpret error messages and avoid mistakes like syntax and indentation issues. It also emphasizes the importance of writing clear comments and maintaining code quality to improve readability and collaboration.
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(UPI) Chapter 3: Introduction to Basic Data Types and Operations in Python
This course is part of our College Credit Program, designed to help you earn college credit while mastering valuable skills. If you're interested in pursuing college credit, click here to learn more. (https://join.teamtreehouse.com/college-credit/) This chapter delves into the foundational concepts of Python programming, focusing on the essential building blocks such as numeric variables, strings, and the operations that can be performed on them. It introduces the concept of objects, which can be of various types, including integers, floats, and strings, and how these objects can be assigned to variables for manipulation in code. The chapter covers basic arithmetic operations, string manipulations, and the use of truthiness in evaluating expressions. Additionally, it discusses important aspects of Python programming, such as the dynamic typing of variables, indexing and slicing strings, and the use of escape sequences and f-strings for formatted output. Through examples and practical exercises, the chapter aims to build a strong foundation in these core Python concepts.
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(UPI) Chapter 2: Introduction to Python
This course is part of our College Credit Program, designed to help you earn college credit while mastering valuable skills. If you're interested in pursuing college credit, click here to learn more. (https://join.teamtreehouse.com/college-credit/) Python is a versatile scripting language valued for its simplicity, modular design, and extensive library support, making it suitable for applications in data science, machine learning, and web development. Its clear syntax and line-by-line interpretation allow for efficient debugging and ease of use for programmers.
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(UPI) Chapter 11: Managing Errors, Debugging, and Handling Events in JavaScript
This course is part of our College Credit Program, designed to help you earn college credit while mastering valuable skills. If you're interested in pursuing college credit, click here to learn more. (https://join.teamtreehouse.com/college-credit/) Chapter 11 of our JavaScript course delves into some of the most crucial aspects of writing reliable and maintainable code in JavaScript. We begin by exploring error handling, a fundamental skill for developers to manage unexpected situations gracefully using constructs like try, catch, finally, and throw. Following this, we examine the most common JavaScript errors, such as ReferenceError, SyntaxError, and TypeError, providing insight into their causes and how to avoid them. The chapter also introduces debugging techniques, where we discuss various methods and strategies for identifying and resolving issues in JavaScript code. Finally, we conclude with an exploration of advanced event handling and user interface applications, focusing on how to effectively manage DOM events in complex web applications.
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(UPI) Chapter 10: Utilizing Forms with JavaScript
This course is part of our College Credit Program, designed to help you earn college credit while mastering valuable skills. If you're interested in pursuing college credit, click here to learn more. (https://join.teamtreehouse.com/college-credit/) This course explores HTML forms and their integration with JavaScript, covering form creation, accessibility, input validation, and the client-server architecture for handling submissions, culminating in advanced techniques for dynamic form management.
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(UPI) Chapter 9: Understanding the Document Object Model (DOM) with JavaScript
This course is part of our College Credit Program, designed to help you earn college credit while mastering valuable skills. If you're interested in pursuing college credit, click here to learn more. (https://join.teamtreehouse.com/college-credit/) In this chapter, we delve into the foundational concepts and techniques essential for manipulating web documents through the Document Object Model (DOM). The DOM is a programming interface that allows developers to interact with and modify the structure, content, and style of HTML and XML documents dynamically. Starting with an exploration of the DOM's core functionality, we proceed to understand how nodes, the building blocks of the DOM tree, can be located, navigated, and manipulated using various methods. This chapter covers a comprehensive range of topics, including modifying element content and attributes, removing elements, and dynamically adjusting CSS through JavaScript, all of which are crucial for building responsive and interactive web pages.
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(UPI) Chapter 8: Understanding JavaScript Data Structures
This course is part of our College Credit Program, designed to help you earn college credit while mastering valuable skills. If you're interested in pursuing college credit, click here to learn more. (https://join.teamtreehouse.com/college-credit/) This course delves into core data structures in JavaScript, specifically focusing on arrays, strings, maps, and sets. The initial sections provide a comprehensive understanding of JavaScript arrays, covering their structure, implementation, and fundamental operations. It further explores the manipulation of arrays and strings, offering insights into how to efficiently convert between these two types.
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(UPI) Chapter 7: Advanced JavaScript Object Handling
This course is part of our College Credit Program, designed to help you earn college credit while mastering valuable skills. If you're interested in pursuing college credit, click here to learn more. (https://join.teamtreehouse.com/college-credit/) Chapter 7 of our JavaScript course dives into the intricacies of object manipulation, object-oriented programming (OOP), and the utilization of built-in objects within JavaScript. We begin by exploring the fundamentals of working with objects, including the use of dot and bracket notations, setting object members, and understanding the concept of "this." The journey progresses into object-oriented programming, where we cover classes, instances, inheritance, encapsulation, and the significance of prototypes in JavaScript. Additionally, the chapter introduces the built-in objects available in JavaScript, highlighting their practical applications. We also explore strings and date-time manipulation, focusing on their properties, methods, and usage in JavaScript programming.
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(UPI) Chapter 6: Functions in JavaScript
This course is part of our College Credit Program, designed to help you earn college credit while mastering valuable skills. If you're interested in pursuing college credit, click here to learn more. (https://join.teamtreehouse.com/college-credit/) This course delves into the core aspects of JavaScript functions, offering a comprehensive understanding of how functions operate and their significance in modern web development. It begins with an overview of JavaScript functions, exploring their foundational principles and practical applications. The course progresses to discuss the handling of arguments and return values, which are crucial for creating dynamic and flexible code. Additionally, it introduces more advanced concepts like arrow functions and recursion, providing insight into how these features can be utilized to write more concise and efficient code.
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(UPI) Chapter 5: Conditional Logic and Iteration in JavaScript
This course is part of our College Credit Program, designed to help you earn college credit while mastering valuable skills. If you're interested in pursuing college credit, click here to learn more. (https://join.teamtreehouse.com/college-credit/) In this chapter, we delve into two fundamental concepts of JavaScript that are essential for controlling the flow of code: conditional statements and loops. Conditional statements allow developers to execute different code blocks based on specific conditions, enabling dynamic decision-making within applications. Loops, on the other hand, are powerful tools for executing repetitive tasks efficiently. This chapter will guide you through the various types of conditional statements in JavaScript, such as if, else, and switch, and explore the different looping constructs, including for, while, and do-while loops, along with their practical applications.
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(UPI) Chapter 4: Mastering JavaScript Basics: Operators, Variable Scope, and Data Handling
This course is part of our College Credit Program, designed to help you earn college credit while mastering valuable skills. If you're interested in pursuing college credit, click here to learn more. (https://join.teamtreehouse.com/college-credit/) This course provides a detailed overview of JavaScript operators and their applications in performing arithmetic, logical, and comparison operations. Additionally, it delves into the concept of variable scope, explaining the different typesโblock, function, module, and globalโand their importance in ensuring organized and error-free code
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(UPI) Chapter 3: Fundamentals of JavaScript Programming
This course is part of our College Credit Program, designed to help you earn college credit while mastering valuable skills. If you're interested in pursuing college credit, click here to learn more. (https://join.teamtreehouse.com/college-credit/) In this chapter, we delve into foundational concepts of JavaScript that are essential for any programmer to master. We begin by exploring the nuances of Automatic Semicolon Insertion (ASI) and the role of reserved words in JavaScript, which are crucial for understanding how JavaScript interprets and executes code. Following this, we introduce the basics of variables in JavaScript, emphasizing their usage and practical examples that illustrate their importance in storing and manipulating data. We then move on to a comprehensive guide on JavaScript Regular Expressions (Regex), a powerful tool for pattern matching and text manipulation. The section concludes with an in-depth examination of JavaScript's primitive data typesโBoolean, Undefined, Null, and Symbolโalong with numeric data types such as Number and BigInt, which are fundamental to performing various operations in JavaScript.
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(UPI) Chapter 2: Integration of JavaScript with HTML
This course is part of our College Credit Program, designed to help you earn college credit while mastering valuable skills. If you're interested in pursuing college credit, click here to learn more. (https://join.teamtreehouse.com/college-credit/) In this course, we will dive into the foundational aspects of integrating JavaScript within HTML to enhance web development. Starting with the basics of the HTML < script> tag, we explore how JavaScript is embedded directly into HTML documents to create dynamic and interactive web pages.
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(UPI) Chapter 11: How to use CSS transitions, transforms, animations, and filters
This course is part of our College Credit Program, designed to help you earn college credit while mastering valuable skills. If you're interested in pursuing college credit, click here to learn more. (https://join.teamtreehouse.com/college-credit/) This chapter provides an in-depth guide on using CSS transitions, transforms, animations, and filters to enhance the visual appeal of web pages. You'll learn how to smoothly animate element properties, manipulate elements in 2D space, create interactive animations, and apply visual effects to images and other elements without editing source files.
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(UPI) Chapter 10: Enhancing Web Pages with Audio and Video
This course is part of our College Credit Program, designed to help you earn college credit while mastering valuable skills. If you're interested in pursuing college credit, click here to learn more. (https://join.teamtreehouse.com/college-credit/) This course explores the integration of audio and video into web pages, focusing on the use of HTML elements such as < audio> and < video>. It provides guidance on file compatibility, embedding techniques, and enhancing user experience through controls and responsive design.
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(UPI) Chapter 9: Responsive Web Design
This course is part of our College Credit Program, designed to help you earn college credit while mastering valuable skills. If you're interested in pursuing college credit, click here to learn more. (https://join.teamtreehouse.com/college-credit/) Responsive Web Design (RWD) ensures websites adapt seamlessly to different screen sizes and devices, providing a consistent and user-friendly experience. By using fluid layouts with percentage-based widths, scalable images, and media queries, RWD allows content to adjust dynamically. This approach enhances usability on desktops, tablets, and mobile phones, offering an optimized design that adjusts to any screen size while maintaining readability and performance across all devices.
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(UPI) Chapter 8: Enhancing Web Design with Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
This course is part of our College Credit Program, designed to help you earn college credit while mastering valuable skills. If you're interested in pursuing college credit, click here to learn more. (https://join.teamtreehouse.com/college-credit/) This course delves into enhancing web design using CSS, focusing on techniques such as floating and clearing elements to create multi-column layouts, styling tables, and using CSS properties for better accessibility and usability. These concepts enable the development of visually appealing and user-friendly web pages that are both structured and interactiveโ.
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(UPI) Chapter 7: Facilitating User Interaction with HTML Forms
This course is part of our College Credit Program, designed to help you earn college credit while mastering valuable skills. If you're interested in pursuing college credit, click here to learn more. (https://join.teamtreehouse.com/college-credit/) In this chapter, you'll learn how to create and enhance HTML forms, including form structure, validation techniques, and advanced input controls such as radio buttons, checkboxes, file uploads, and more. This guide covers best practices for accessibility, user interaction, and CSS styling to optimize your forms for both functionality and user experience.
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(UPI) Chapter 6: Navigating with HTML Links and Structuring Data with Tables
This course is part of our College Credit Program, designed to help you earn college credit while mastering valuable skills. If you're interested in pursuing college credit, click here to learn more. (https://join.teamtreehouse.com/college-credit/) This course explores the creation of HTML links and the structuring of data using tables. It delves into techniques for coding hyperlinks with accessibility in mind and provides a comprehensive guide to building, styling, and enhancing tables with advanced HTML tags and CSS styling for better usability and aestheticsโ
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(UPI) Chapter 5: Image Manipulation in HTML
This course is part of our College Credit Program, designed to help you earn college credit while mastering valuable skills. If you're interested in pursuing college credit, click here to learn more. (https://join.teamtreehouse.com/college-credit/) In this chapter on Image Manipulation in HTML, you'll discover essential techniques for effectively placing and optimizing images on web pages. It covers various web-friendly formats such as JPEG, GIF, PNG, WebP, and AVIF. Additionally, the chapter explores CSS methods for resizing, aligning, and floating images, creating image rollovers and maps, and utilizing SVG for scalable graphics. It also offers practical advice on sourcing high-quality images, working with icons and favicons, and optimizing images for performance and accessibility. By implementing these strategies, you can enhance your websiteโs visual appeal, improve load times, and boost SEO effectiveness.
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(UPI) Chapter 4: Understanding the CSS Box Model
This course is part of our College Credit Program, designed to help you earn college credit while mastering valuable skills. If you're interested in pursuing college credit, click here to learn more. (https://join.teamtreehouse.com/college-credit/) This course provides an in-depth explanation of the CSS box model, a fundamental concept in web design. It covers the components of the modelโcontent, padding, border, and marginโand how they collectively determine the size and spacing of elements on a webpage
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(UPI) Chapter 3: Web Design with Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
This course is part of our College Credit Program, designed to help you earn college credit while mastering valuable skills. If you're interested in pursuing college credit, click here to learn more. (https://join.teamtreehouse.com/college-credit/) CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a language used to style HTML elements, enabling web developers to control the layout, appearance, and design of web pages. Through external, embedded, and inline styles, CSS separates content from design, improving website consistency and flexibility. Key features of CSS include selectors for targeting elements, advanced color specifications (e.g., RGBA, HSL, HSLA), font styling, and advanced techniques like using custom properties for reusable values and theming. Developer tools and CSS custom properties enhance the workflow by making it easier to inspect and modify styles, ensuring responsive and user-friendly web designs.
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(UPI) Chapter 2: HTML Essentials: Elements and Lists
This course is part of our College Credit Program, designed to help you earn college credit while mastering valuable skills. If you're interested in pursuing college credit, click here to learn more. (https://join.teamtreehouse.com/college-credit/) This course focuses on the essential building blocks of HTML, including elements for structuring content, creating lists, and improving accessibility with semantic tags. It introduces the < head> section, metadata, and best practices for enhancing SEO and user experience. Additionally, the course explains how to style and structure navigation menus using CSS and HTML5 elements, promoting clear organization and visual appeal on web pages.
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